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How To Change Kegs

Written by The Restaurant Doctor UK Team
Last Updated: 29th October 2023

<<< 7. Cleaning The Lines | 9. Changing The Gas >>>

When it comes to serving beer, quality is everything. Changing beer kegs is an important part of maintaining that quality. If a keg is not changed properly, it can affect the taste and overall experience of the beer being served. In this article, we will explain why changing beer kegs is important and how it can impact the taste and quality of the beer served in a bar or restaurant.

When changing beer kegs, safety should always be a top priority. Mishandling kegs can be dangerous and lead to serious injury. Therefore, it is crucial to take the necessary safety precautions and follow best practices to prevent accidents.

Before beginning the keg changing process, it is important to wear appropriate protective gear such as gloves and safety glasses. Additionally, it is recommended to work in a well-ventilated area to avoid the risk of inhaling fumes or gases.

Another important safety tip to keep in mind is to never put your head directly over the coupler when removing or connecting it to a keg. The contents of the keg are pressurized and can cause serious injury if released unexpectedly.

By following these safety precautions and best practices, you can ensure that changing beer kegs is done safely and efficiently.

Changing a beer keg is done by following these set of steps:

  1. Turn off the gas supply to the beer keg.
  2. Disconnect the coupler from the empty beer keg.
  3. Remove the plastic seal on the new beer keg, and connect the coupler to the join. There are a couple of different couplers, some you push down and turn, and others you have to push a handle and twist. Whichever one you are dealing with always ensure the coupler is tightly in place.
  4. Turn the gas back on.
  5. Inspect the pressure cylinder on your wall for the keg; you'll either have a push button or a lever, which releases the plastic ball to allow the flow of liquid. Make sure this is open and the draught product can flow into the line.
  6. If you need to draw the draught product into the cylinder until it is full, this ensures the flow of the product through the lines.
  7. Go to the bar and pull the draught product through. If everything is working and connected properly then it will be ready to serve.

(For dispensing problems see our troubleshooting section)

In conclusion, proper keg changing techniques are essential for maintaining the quality of the beer served in a bar or restaurant. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure that your customers are served the best beer possible.

Additionally, it is crucial to always prioritize safety when handling pressurized kegs. Mishandling kegs can be dangerous, so always wear protective gear, work in a well-ventilated area, and avoid putting your head directly over the coupler.

By taking these precautions and properly changing your beer kegs, you can provide your customers with a top-quality drinking experience while keeping everyone safe.

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